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Number 1

for Student


Who needs an SG Consultant?

Big-enrollment school, commuter community college, or private university, large budget or tiny, you need an SG consultant.

Why? Your administrators hire consultants to teach them about student needs and desires. And they also use consultants to help raise money and promote your institution. Your admissions office hires consulting firms to recruit more students. So why not your Student Government? Even America’s best SGs can be BETTER.

As your institution’s main student voice, usually the only campus-wide elected governing group, you owe it to your fellow students to be as EFFECTIVE as possible this year. Why settle for an ineffective administration when you could be leaving a legacy of great leadership for years to come? Why settle for an apathetic student body when your SG could be leading a revival of student advocacy and activism?

You need SG consultant Butch Oxendine to help solve pressing problems, boost your image, and earn more respect from administrators, students, and the media.

Then you will be able to truly accomplish great and important work on behalf of your constituents—your fellow students.

An SG Consultant can help you be your best
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