Be Part of the New American Student Government Association
ASGA will be the most incredible and helpful information, research, and networking resource ever created for Student Government leaders and advisors.

You and your Student Government can be in on the founding of a new national organization, the American Student Government Association. It is the first-ever professional association for Student Government. ASGA will debut early in 2004. Our team is currently beta-testing ASGA's highly-interactive site. You and your SG can become founding members to advise us and help debug the site over the next several weeks. To learn more about ASGA, click here.

Please answer the following questions and submit them using the form below. Once you complete the survey, you will get a link to the actual ASGA web site, which is still in development. Then you can see for yourself how amazingly useful ASGA is going to be for SG leaders and advisors nationwide.

Because ASGA’s goal is to become an indispensable information, research, and networking resource for SG leaders and advisors from all types of institutions, we want your advice and input. Then ASGA can help all SGs become more effective and influential on their campuses across the country.

If you have questions, call toll free at 1-888-547-6310 or send e-mail to

Your Name
Your Role/Title
Your E-mail
Your School
Your State
Your School Enrollment
Name of your SG
SG Web Address
Your Advisor's
Your Advisor's
Your SG's Spring/Summer 2003 Mailing Address
Your SG's Spring/Summer 2003 Phone Number

Please answer at least four of the following questions as specifically as possible.

1. What are your SG's biggest weaknesses or deficiencies and how could ASGA help you overcome them?


2. What are the top three benefits you would hope and expect to receive from ASGA and why?


3. What would you expect to pay for your Student Government to become a member of ASGA?


4. Would ASGA have to sponsor conferences and engage in lobbying and advocacy to be useful to your Student Government, or could ASGA strictly serve as a networking, communication, information, and research resource?


5. Do you think you’re one of the "Best Student Governments" in America? If so, we’re looking for founding/charter ASGA members from all types and sizes of schools: large state universities, small state universities, large private colleges, small private colleges, large community colleges, and small community colleges. If you would like to be considered, please tell us a little about your SG and write immediately.


6. We want ASGA to be a "servant group"—one that meets the needs of SGs that are struggling to get support, fighting to get the word out about their activities and issues, and pushing to get students and administrators to acknowledge their hard work. ASGA’s goal will be to see that SGs nationwide gain more influence, are more effective in serving their constituents, and get more respect from their students and administrators. Do you have any additional advice on how we can accomplish this goal?

The American Student Government Association Is...

The #1 champion & advocate of Student Governments
ASGA is the "professional association" for Student Governments of all kinds nationwide. The American Student Government Association also is America's number-one advocate of the importance and necessity of a vibrant, influential, and autonomous Student Government at every college and university nationwide. ASGA strongly asserts that any progressive institution also must have a vibrant student governance organization that is the student body’s voice, and all of ASGA's work and research supports the goal of creating more effective and influential Student Governments and more ethical leaders across America. Student Governments are IMPORTANT and DO MATTER.  And ASGA is your Student Government's number-one supporter and "cheerleader."

An amazing information & networking resource
Simply put, ASGA's web site is the most incredible and useful information, networking, and research resource EVER CREATED for Student Government leaders and advisors. Never before has so much useful information been available through a single resource that's so easily and quickly accessible. ASGA members can search the amazingly detailed "SG Database" for other similar schools and SGs, learn from the successes and failures of fellow members, research SG-related issues and save time, energy, and money, search the vast ASGA article database that's logically categorized, find hundreds of SG-related links that are actually useful, compete for national Student Government awards, have access to dozens of other relevant resources, and dozens of other substantial resources and services.

An indispensable Student Government "think-tank"
When you need research and hard data on an important issue to prove your point with administrators, you will be able to find it through ASGA. By using all of ASGA resources, articles, the SG Database, and other services, you will get instant access to cutting-edge research. No longer will you have to haphazardly surfing the web, hoping to find examples of other schools dealing with the same problems or concerns you are. As the nation's only "Student Government Think Tank," ASGA constantly conducts in-depth research and investigative reporting on critical SG-related issues and trends. ASGA members have instant and easy access to the information and analysis. ASGA also reports on how SGs nationwide solved pressing problems so that others can learn from their accomplishments. If our members solve a problem, we'll share their success story with everyone else.

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